Monday, December 1, 2014

Who do YOU consider the greatest Lifter of all time?

This is probably the most talked about and most contentious issue ever discussed by weightlifters. Who is the greatest lifter of all time? Every lifter has an opinion. No matter how old, or how young, we all have our favorite.
Before I talk about whom I consider to be the greatest lifter of all time we need to talk about the parameters. I would love to hear yours. There are so many to chose from, and so many parameters to take into consideration. First off, he has to be an Olympic and world Champion, and record Holder. That narrows it down. Do we consider the old school lifters that still did the Press lift back in the day? I say Yes. What about taking Body weights into consideration? Are we going to use the Sinclair formula? I say Yes. That should give the answer away right there to those that know. Can they be current lifters and champions? For sure. My question is simple, who do you consider to be the greatest of all time?
So now its time for my answer. I am probably biased because this person lifted in my era.  In fact this person lifted in my division. None other than the Pocket Hercules himself, Niam Suleymanoglu. He was my hero growing up. Watching him lift knowing he was the same body weight as me inspired and mesmerized me. And here is why.
He won 3 Olympic Gold Medals. Should have been 4 but Bulgaria Boycotted the 1984 Olympics. Could have been 5 but he bombed out in the Sydney Olympics. He was a 7 time World Champion, 7 Time European Champion, and set 51 World Records. Most importantly to me, he has the highest ever-recorded Sinclair of 504. At a body weight of 60kg he Snatched 152.5kg, and clean and Jerked 190kg.
Which means pound for pound he has lifted more than any other human being. That is why I consider Niam as the greatest lifter of all time.
My top 5 looks like this:
1: Niam Suleymanoglu
2: Vasili Alexeyev
3: Pyrros Dimas
4: Yuri Vardanyan
5: Ilya Ilyin
 I know people will argue over the inclusion of Ilyin at number five. I am basing that decision on the fact that I believe he is going to continue to dominate the sport for many years to come. He is the only person in my mind who has a realistic chance of dethroning Niam in the near future.
So Who is your Greatest of all time? 

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