Friday, December 19, 2014

Success in Failure:

Last week I covered goals and how important they are when it comes to training. Today I want to talk about failure. Failure is a part of the journey to success. Without the one you couldn't have the other. We all fail in the gym. If you don't fail in the gym you are either not pushing yourself hard enough or your Programming is seriously outdated. 
Don't look at a missed weight, or attempt at an exercise as a failure to achieve something. Failure is simply the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and better yourself in the future. OK, I missed that lift. Instead of getting to upset with yourself and storming out of the gym, think to yourself why? Why did you miss that attempt, what are you doing incorrectly. Finally come to a conclusion as to how to correct the mistake and work on that. If you can't determine what you are doing incorrectly ask your coach, that is what we are there for. 

I had a huge mental block in my career getting a 100 kg / 220 lbs Snatch. I spend years trying the weight over and over again. Something about the magical triple digit mark had me stumped. Until one day my coach decided to load the bar to 102.5 kg and tell me it was 97.5 kg. I did it easily. He new I could do the weight, he believed in me. 

Ask any Olympic Lifter how many times he has failed on a weight before he was successful. Hundreds, if not thousands of times. Failure is not a bad thing, if you think of it as such you are your own worst enemy. Embrace failure, learn from your mistakes, and from there you will find success.

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