I often get asked " how do you become a successful weightlifter?" While there are many different variables that come into play there is one in my mind that takes precedent over the others, and that is consistency.
So what is consistency. Consistency is defined as " conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness". In a weightlifters case this is obviously directed at accuracy of movement and application of technique. A lifter who trains more regularly will generally speaking always out-lift a lifter who does not. If it takes 10000 repetitions of skill in order for an athlete to master that skill, the more regular athlete will reach that level well before the former.
I see it all to often in the gym. Athletes start training, stick with it for 6 months, then fall of the bandwagon. Only to begin again months later and be back where they started. In order to make steady gains and increases one needs to consistently be in the gym, day in and day out over the course of several years. There are no short cuts, there are no easy programs, there is only hard work. Those that are willing to work hard, and remain consistent will succeed. Those that don't can still succeed, it is just going to take them longer to achieve their goals than someone who is in the gym on a regular basis without fail.
The lifter who is going to succeed in the long run is not always going to be the strongest or have the best technique, but almost always will be the one who is the most consistent. I am talking about the athlete that comes in early to warm up. Or stays after training to work on supplemental exercises. The athlete that is in the gym Christmas morning doing squats. Or the first one in on New Years day. When I first started coaching I was lifting alone on a Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Now there is a core group of dedicated and committed athletes who come in every weekend. To those athletes, I salute you. Your dedication and commitment will pay off.

" The reward for hard work, medals for the whole team"
Consistency is King.
Consistency wins medals.
Consistency builds champions.
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