Friday, November 21, 2014

When in doubt, SQUAT.

When in doubt Squat.

If there was one exercise you should do every day of your life, what would it be? 
You guessed it, Squat. I cannot reiterate this enough. Squatting is the most fundamental basic principle of all athletic in devours. The legs are the powerhouse of the human body. Yet are more often than not the most neglected.

If you don't feel like doing snatches, squat. If you had a bad day, squat. If you're bored, squat. You can never go wrong with a squat. You can never do wrong by a squat. When in doubt, squat, is not just a saying, it's not just a principle, it's life. If you are involved in any of the aforementioned strength training sports Squats should be the most important exercise in your training regime.

Research has proved that the bodies natural levels of testosterone are elevated 20 minutes after doing heavy squats. This was the philosophy behind the weightlifting training I did as a kid. Front squat in the morning, break, then training. Back squat in the evening after training. That's squatting twice a day every day, except Sunday. We only squatted once on Sunday's.

People don't like squats, because they are hard. They are hard because they are good for you. They are hard because the biggest gains in strength you will ever see will come from squatting. Increasing your squat will help all of your olympic lifts. Increasing your squat will help increase your max dead lift and clean. Believe it or not increasing your squat will even help increase your max bench press. I am not discussing benching technique in this post but trust me it will. I am not even discussing the merits of a high bar vs low bar squat in this post. 

Just SQUAT, every day, every session, every workout. It's not just a saying, when in doubt, SQUAT!!!

Look out for more posts next week.

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