It gives me
great pleasure to announce that Crossfit
Hoboken Barbell Club is now an Official USA Weightlifting Registered club.
We are Club number 7041 in New
We are now the
only official USA Weightlifting club
in Hoboken that offers full time coaching and support to our athletes.
Congratulations to the following club representatives:
President: Ryan Erasmus
Club Coach: Dallas Quano
Secretary: Britta Winans
Under the
auspices of USA Weightlifting we can now register and Compete as team CF Hoboken Barbell Club. We can now run
and host both coaching and referee clinics as well as our very own USAW
Competitions. As a registered Club we are now also covered under USAW General
Liability insurance.
When I
started coaching at Crossfit Hoboken I dreamed of a time when we would have a
full Official lifting team; that time is now. We will now train together, and
compete together as a team. There will be many medals, championships and Team
Trophies to come for CF Hoboken Barbell
Club in the future.
and thank you to all those who have worked so hard to make this a reality. I am
so very proud of everything we have, and will achieve as a team.
Well Done
Coach Ryan